Monday, April 8, 2019

Cuban Deal Nixed

The US government reversed the deal MLB worked with Cuba to bring players from that island to the United States.

“O.F.A.C. has determined that M.L.B.’s payments to the Cuban Baseball Federation are not authorized,” the letter said, “because a payment to the Cuban Baseball Federation is a payment to the Cuban government.”

Cuban sports entities, including its baseball federation and Olympic committee, have argued they are independent of the central government, but the Trump administration rejected that assessment.

“The U.S. does not support actions that would institutionalize a system by which a Cuban government entity garnishes the wages of hard-working athletes who simply seek to live and compete in a free society,” said Garrett Marquis, a spokesman for the National Security Council. “The administration looks forward to working with M.L.B. to identify ways for Cuban players to have the individual freedom to benefit from their talents, and not as property of the Cuban state.”

That last sentence is very good, alluding to the slavery aspects of communism. Sometimes a bad deal that helps people out of their slavery does more good than harm. If MLB was willing to pay to get these players safely to a better life, they should get the chance to do so.


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