Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Severino’s Stealth Injury

Yankees starter Luis Severino suffered another injury:

New York Yankees right-hander Luis Severino will be shut down for the next six weeks after an MRI revealed a Grade 2 lat strain on his right side.

The injury, revealed in an MRI done in New York on Tuesday, is separate from the right rotator cuff inflammation he was originally diagnosed with during spring training.

Since the lat strain didn’t present itself on the MRI that Severino had after he was diagnosed with the rotator cuff inflammation, it is believed he may have developed the lat strain at some point during the rehab throwing program he has been under the past two weeks.
While out the next six weeks, Severino won’t throw at all, the team said. 


So if Severino isn’t going to throw until the end of May at the earliest, he probably won’t be back on the team until early July. On the left hand, he gets more time for the shoulder to heal properly.

from baseballmusings.com http://bit.ly/2UrOItD

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