Thursday, December 31, 2015

93.2353% Of Plan

As I write this post, I’m 93.2353% toward a goal I set for all of us.  It’s simply unacceptable for me not to meet plan, so I need your help.

Many of you know that I’ve supported Charity:Water for a number of years.  I started this year’s campaign about a week ago.  In a very short time, through your generosity, we’ve raised $7925–so far.  For those who’ve contributed, even just a few dollars, I can’t thank you enough.  Already, we’ve raised enough money to provide water for several hundred people.

This year, I set a several goals:

  1. I would match contributions dollar for dollar for the first $3500 in contributions.  We’ve met that goal. I’ve matched the first $3500 in contributions!
  2. I wanted to encourage this community to contribute at least $5000 (without the match).  We have just a little way to go.
  3. I wanted to raise a total of $8500, with my match.  This would put total contributions over the past several years well over $30K.  At this moment, we’re 93.2353% of plan!

If 24 of you contribute $25 to Making A Difference 2015/2016, we will exceed our goal!

If more of you contribute, we will blow the plan away!

My competitiveness as a sales professional makes it personally unacceptable not to exceed plan.  So I won’t stop until we exceed that goal.

But this is really not about exceeding plan, it’s about Making A Difference and having an impact.   Everyone reading this article is relatively fortunate.  Our basic needs are met, we don’t have to worry about drinking water, food, or anything else.

Hundreds of millions of people don’t have that luxury.  They wake up every morning, having to worry about getting enough water to live.  They worry about getting clean water so they don’t have health problems.  Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war!

100% of the contributions you make to Charity:Water go to people in need, providing wells and clean water.  Please join your colleagues who have already been so generous.  Together, we can continue to Make A Difference.

Let’s keep doing GOOD work.  Over the past few years, we’ve helped communities in East Africa and Southeast Asia.  We’ve provide water to 1000’s of people and helped change their lives.

Thanks for your support, thanks for helping “us” make and exceed plan!

from Partners in EXCELLENCE Blog — Making A Difference

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