Brad Harris talks about Hall of Fame voting reforms at The Hardball Times. One I have advocated for a while is a Borda count style voting. Nice to see he agrees:
While existing elections ask voters to list from zero to 10 (or 4, depending on the election) eligible candidates whom they deem deserving of election, the current process doesn’t ask voters to list the most deserving candidates. This is strange given that the people who created the Hall of Fame’s electoral process – the BBWAA – also created the election process for the Most Valuable Player Award, an election that seeks to ask exactly that question: Who is most worthy?
Henceforth, in all elections the Hall of Fame should adopt this MVP voting style and ask voters in each election to list the 10 most worthy eligible candidates in descending order of merit. Points shall be awarded to each candidate named, in reverse order of ranking. A first-place vote is worth 10 points, a second-place vote worth nine points, etc. Candidates’ cumulative point totals from all ballots are sorted from highest to lowest, with the former the winner of the election.
It actually should be a good filtering mechanism for removing players with little support.
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