It's finally here! After a couple of technical hitches and production delays, almost all of the Infamy: Welcome To The Big Smoke pledges have now been shipped. I'd previously picked up The Infamy Ton and the 54mm Tesla and Sgt Crookes to keep me occupied until my pledge arrived, and in some form of festive miracle, it arrived a couple of days ago.
Before we go any further, this post is very picture heavy - just under 100 images (it was more, but blogger didn't like it!), and shows probably just under half of the miniatures and content that arrived.
First up, the Cavalier Rocketeer Buddha Box. I've not bought a Buddha Box before, or watched any of their videos despite my best intentions to. The video content is all online, but the box itself is a great little box which closes with magnets.
Inside the box is an art card, with the painted miniature and the colours used on the back, the miniature and a base, along with a second colour card.
The Rocketeer comes in 5 pieces - body, two arms, hat and jetpack.
The sword is a nice curved sabre and has some nice little details on the hilt.
The detail continues to the Rocketeer's chest plate, though I'm not overly a fan of where he attaches to the sprue - right on the top of his head. Hopefully the hat will be a good fit to cover any damage I do when removing him from the sprue.
Next up are some of the non miniature bits from the pledge. First up, the dice! I pledged for a dice pack, got a free die and also got some from the mystery box. There are three different types - the grey and black swirls with the Infamy logo replacing the 6, a dark, oil slick style with colours ranging from purple to green in there with a pigeon and cog replacing the 6 and the final style, a clear die with sparkly blue and purple bits depending on how you catch the light, with a black Infamy on the 6.
As a little side note, with the ArcWorlde Kickstarter, I started collecting cool looking dice. Here we have the ArcWorlde dice (blue with the "A"), some Skaven warpstone dice (green with bubbles), Guild Ball KS dice (brown and shiny with GB Logos) and Guild Ball Union dice (purple with The Union logo) joined by the 12 Infamy Dice.
Also from the mystery box is this cool little pin, which will probably live on my crusade case strap with a couple of other pins I've collected from various places.
Next, we have a sheet of brass etch, with a rather nice looking Infamy logo that should look good on a plinth. I've not played with brass etch before, but it's very sharp and very bendy.
Now, on to the main miniatures.
First up, the KS exclusive Tesla. I actually have two, as I ordered one, forgetting that I'd get a free one with my pledge.
Harry The Hat - the Guild Ball crossover miniature.
I wasn't expecting quite how big he would be - he looks to only be a hat taller than Tesla, but he's so much more chunky. According to the Guild Ball card, he has to go on a 30mm base but just eyeballing it, I'd think he might look better on a 40mm one.
As he has options to play for various guilds, you can choose different weapons to go in his hand - a wrench, a flaming bottle or a pie.
There are also a few little items to hang from his belt.
Alternate Frank Hyde. He's a load bigger than the already hulking regular Frank, and he's all upper body muscle and chains.
One thing I didn't see on any art work or on any pictures prior to getting him - he has EH carved into the back of his arm. It looks a little too clean for it to have been on his body before bulking up as it would have puffed up a little more. That said, it should be fun to try and turn it into a scar or brand.
Another neat touch - a doll attached to his belt.
In his left hand you'll find a man, who has just as much detail on him as a regular miniature.
Frank's backpack - I'm yet to work out exactly where it fits on his back as unlike the majority of Infamy models, there isn't a pin or whole to connect one to another.
Franks other arm has a large rope wrapped around it, which connects to a large piece of machinery make the pose even more dynamic.
Defense Bot Mk 1 - so many pieces! He has 6 gun arms, a head, torso, 2 additional leg pieces and 2 feet.
The first of the March family - Meg. She's armed with a rather nice looking sniper rifle which has it's bipod set up on a bollard.
Futura. I've already got two of her - the ranged and close combat variants - which use the same body but reposed - the advantage of 3D modelling and printing.
One of the pre-Kickstarter Infamy minis - Toad.
Overall so far, there has been some incredible detail and only a few mold lines and I'm looking forward to getting to building everything, if a little daunted by the prospect of painting everything!
from Noobs and their paintbrush
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