Sunday, December 27, 2015

New Scandal

Ryan Howard and Ryan Zimmerman are involved in a new PED scandal:

An Indianapolis anti-aging clinic supplied quarterback Peyton Manning with human growth hormone, a performance-enhancing drug banned by the NFL, a pharmacist who once worked at the clinic asserts in a new special report from Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit.

The report, “The Dark Side,” is the result of a months long investigation in which Liam Collins, a British hurdler, went undercover in an attempt to expose the widespread nature of performance-enhancing drugs in global sports. As a cover story, Collins tells medical professionals tied to the trade of performance-enhancing drugs that he is hoping for one last shot at glory at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Manning is just one of many high-profile players the report names and raises questions about.

Taylor Teagarden is actually on camera discussing his drug use. The entire 49 minute report is online at the link.

The first thing that comes to mind is if they Ryans are using the drugs, they aren’t working very well.


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