Monday, December 21, 2015

Goblin Chieftain One Shot from Infamy Miniatures on Kickstarter

Fresh off the back of getting almost all of the Infamy: Welcome To The Big Smoke pledges out the door, it's time for something completely different from Infamy Miniatures - The Goblin Chieftain.

While Infamy's main focus is going to stay on The Big Smoke and all the steampunky goodness that goes with it, James is creating a line of single releases to try different things and stop himself going completely insane. He's calling these One Shots.

One Shot number one, as the picture above suggests, is a rather fierce looking Goblin Chieftain on a rather bald looking mount, sculpted by Valentin Zak.

Coming off the back of one Kickstarter, James decided the best way to get this guy funded is to do another one, but says that this will be his only crowdfunding project for 2016, with future One Shots to be release through normal means. 

The Kickstarter itself is rather a simple one - a target of £2,500 is required to fund the mini, which is already prepped for casting, so there shouldn't be many (if any) delays, as there were with the Big Smoke KS.

He'll be resin, and will set you back £25, plus postage, which will be added post-KS in a pledge manager. There are also options to add additional ones for another £25 a piece. 

If you like the mini but don't fancy painting it, or fancy not just getting this One Shot but the next 9 as well (yes, the next 9, making a grand total of 10!) there are pledges for those options as well, but they're quite limited.

If you'd like to pick up one (or more!) of these, you can find it on Kickstarter right here.

The project will run until 10th January, so get your skates on!

Oh, and if you'r not quite sold yet (as I wasn't, as I'm not a goblin/greenskin person really), here's a quote that I'll attribute to one member of the Infamy Minis PR Department: "this comes with the caveat that the goblin's steed might -- MIGHT -- be the only Infamy model that features such an exquisitely and lovingly crafted anus."

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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