Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Voters Catch On

Cobb County, Georgia voters threw out the person responsible for the Braves new stadium:

The race was widely seen as a litmus test for support of the Braves deal. Ironically, some of the same voters who voted against Lee said they were in favor of the Braves’ move to Cobb, but objected to the way the deal was negotiated in secret and committed some $400 million in public money to build and maintain a new stadium without a popular referendum.

Matt Booth, who works for a real estate research firm and lives within two miles of the new ballpark, said he would have voted for the stadium deal if given a chance.

“Lee likes to spend our tax dollars without asking us … so he doesn’t get my vote,” Booth said. “I’ve seen [Boyce] speak and he’s got his finger on the pulse of what the people of Cobb County really want.”

We’ll see how the voters treat the government of Hartford, CT next.

Thanks to James Crabtree for the link.


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