Friday, July 29, 2016

WIP Warrior Priest: Part 4

A bit more work on the base this week, starting to add the light effects which was my main aim for this piece..

A bit more work on the base this week, starting to put int he light effects, first I got my priest placed on the base, he's floating just a little at the moment, but i'll sort that out later. It always feels nice to get everything together for the first time and I've started painting the fire on the base and just putting in a few warm glazes on places on the base..

I keep building the glow gradually on the log and on the priests back..

Now we're getting there, starting to get a good effect, though I think i'm going to be going back to darken his front down a bit to give the full effect I want..

See you next time, hopefully with a model which is nearly complete!

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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