Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekly Look at Offense

Offense bounced back from the post All-Star Break low, as week 16 saw 8.53 runs per game. That follows the same pattern as 2015, where scoring was very low in the three days after the break, only to jump to about 8.5 runs per game the next week.

The relationship between the two seasons at the same point remain the same. For the year, MLB is producing 8.93 runs per game compared to 8.19 after 16 weeks in 2015. The increase in offense is attributable to the huge 0.4 per game increase in home runs and the 0.6 per game increase in walks. Strikeouts have slipped a bit lately. They held steady above 16 per game all year, but this week the season average dips to 15.99 per game. That could mean even more offense is on the way.


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