Sunday, September 4, 2016

Nice Mention

The Detroit Free Press profiles Dan Dickerson, the play-by-play announcer for the Tigers on the radio. Dickerson uses the Day by Day Database as part of his preparation.

When Dickerson began compiling the cards, he said he wrote down the splits against left-handers and right-handers. He didn’t have the kind of info he has at his disposal today.

“You didn’t have pitch speeds and what they threw and how often they threw,” Dickerson said. “I came across a website, — it’s a great resource. You can (look at), say, Anibal Sanchez — all of his starts against the Twins in his career. And it just lines them up for you and totals it. You get that on, but it doesn’t do it start by start and it doesn’t total it.”

Thanks to Dickerson for the mention, and to Jeff Truant for sending me the link on Facebook.


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