Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Plan Flaw

Barry Jackson posts part four of his review of the Marlins business plan. In this part, an anonymous potential investor criticizes the “fatal flaw”:

“The Derek Jeter plan all along was to crush payroll to reduce expenses and somehow magically have ticket sales go up,” the Northeast-based investor said. “Can’t happen. This is entertainment. Fans come to see players they identify with, not Triple A players.

“Ticket sales will collapse even more under this plan. Nobody [in his group] really looked at this. It shows lack of business acumen. You will still need to rebuild with top players at some point and they will be more expensive and harder to bring to Miami, especially under this new management team and the reputation” established during cost-cutting.

I’m not sure about that last bit. Jeter is not only a former player, but a natural leader. In 2020, the first year he’ll probably want to bring in better players, Jeter will get a huge boost of positive publicity from going in the Hall of Fame. My guess is people will want to play for Jeter. Between now and then, however, I don’t see a clear path to rising ticket sales.

from baseballmusings.com http://ift.tt/2CWZKhB

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