Monday, April 8, 2019

Weekly Look at Offense

Offense is off to a very good start in 2019. The first week and a bit of the season yielded 9.01 runs per game, compared to 8.59 runs per game during the same period in 2018. For the five years I’ve been tracking weekly run scoring, this is the highest scoring first week of the season. (All stats in this post compare the same time period year over year.)

The higher scoring is entirely due to home runs, however, up from 2.05 per games in 2018 to 2.48 this season. Walks are down a smidgen, and other hits are down 0.7 per game, meaning overall, about 0.3 fewer batters are reaching base.

For people concerned about strikeouts, they are down ever so slightly, about 0.056 per game. Right now, slightly more balls are being put into play, but they are not turning into hits. It’s not enough of a change to call it real yet, but it is a hopeful sign for a bit more action in the game.


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