Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Dimension Hop Tesla (54mm) from Infamy Miniatures - A Closer Look

Following on from last week's up scaled A Closer Look at Tundra from Wonderlands Project, it's time to look at the recent release from Infamy Miniatures - a 54mm version of Dimension Hop Tesla.

As suggested in her name, Dimension Hop Tesla is a Tesla from an alternate dimension that has hopped her way into the dimension that The Big Smoke inhabits. This is an enlarged version of the 32mm Tesla which first appeared in Infamy's Welcome To The Big Smoke Kickstarter, which I unboxed in part 2, here.

DH Tesla is a two part resin figure - the same as the smaller version. You get most of Tesla and then her leg.

If Tesla tickles your fancy, she's available from the Infamy web store for £20 plus shipping.

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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