Sunday, September 4, 2016

Dangerous to be an Angel

Matt Shoemaker is the latest Angels pitcher to suffer an injury:

Angels pitcher Matt Shoemaker was hit in the head by a 105 mph line drive in the second inning of Sunday’s game, dropping him to the ground and bringing Safeco Field to a standstill.

Shoemaker, who walked off the field under his own power after about five minutes, was initially diagnosed with a laceration on the side of his head. He was alert as he was taken to a local hospital for a CT scan.

Injuries to starters has become the norm for the Angels this season:

The injury to Shoemaker is the latest, and most frightening, blow to a team that has been ravaged by injuries all season. Of the eight starters who opened spring training, six have now had some kind injury.

I suspect Shoemaker will go on the concussion DL. Getting hit like that usually means there was some type of damage that needs some healing. The Angels lead Seattle 4-2 in the eighth inning.


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