Saturday, July 22, 2017

Games of the Day

There is not a lot to choose from in terms of great pitching match-ups. The Rangers and Rays once again offer a good duo as Andrew Cashner faces opposite initials Chris Archer. Cashner’s 4-8 record indicates he suffered from poor run support this season, as his 3.58 ERA deserves better. In nine of his starts, the Rangers scored three runs or fewer. Archer recovered from his very bad home run year of 2016, in which he allowed 1.3 HR per nine IP. This year, that rate is back to his career average of 0.9 HR per 9 IP.

The other game of interest pits the Yankees against the Mariners with Masahiro Tanaka facing Ariel Miranda. Tanaka keeps doing two things very well, as he struck out 22 and walked two in 19 July innings. The thing he doesn’t do well keeps haunting him however, as the three home runs he allowed in the month brings his season total to 30. Miranda pitched very well at home this year, with a 3.23 ERA in 61 1/3 innings. The difference is his home run rate, 1.32 per 9 IP at home, 2.42 per 9 IP on the road.



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