Friday, April 22, 2016

Colabello Enhanced

MLB suspended Chris Colabello 80 games for failing a drug test:

Colabello’s penalty was announced by the commissioner’s office on Friday. The substance, dehydrochlormethyltestosterone, is sold under the name Turinabol.

A 32-year-old who also plays the outfield, Colabello is hitting .069 (2 for 29) with one RBI this season. He was beaned by Boston pitcher Steven Wright last Sunday but missed only one game.

Colabello was an old rookie in 2013 with the Twins, and his 2015 season with the Blue Jays was his first hitting well, posting a .367 OBP and a .520 slugging percentage. He did hit well in the minors, but he played in independent leagues for a long time, so he was in his prime years in the minors. It looks like another case of a marginal player taking the risk of suspension to stay in the majors.


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