Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Neck Attack

It turns out Prince Fielder was hitting poorly because he was hurt:

Texas Rangers slugger Prince Fielder is facing the prospect of season-ending surgery after an MRI revealed a herniation of disks in his neck just above an area that was repaired two years ago.

Fielder and outfielder Shin-Soo Choo were put on the 15-day disabled list Wednesday by the AL West leaders.

General manager Jon Daniels said Fielder this week reported having similar symptoms to what he had before the surgery in 2014 that forced him to sit out most of his first season with the Rangers. Fielder was feeling weakness and discomfort in his neck and left arm.

I’m surprised it took Fielder and the Rangers so long to have him examined. I’m starting to think that whenever a player has a slump longer than a month should have a complete physical, because they are probably hurt. The good news for the Rangers is that they are in first place despite Fielder’s poor performance. They should be able to improve on his hitting with a replacement. I suppose they could always trade for Alex Rodriguez. 🙂


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