Sunday, July 16, 2017

More on the Ball

It’s nice to see an article about home runs quote a pitcher who doesn’t think the ball has changed:

“To be honest, I haven’t noticed anything (with the ball),” Padres starting pitcher Clayton Richard said. “I think the game constantly advances and it’s ever adapting, and pitching becomes more difficult, as I’m sure hitting does. It’s a game of adjustments. To me, it doesn’t seem like it’s changed much.”

Humans have a tendency to put blame elsewhere. Even the home run explosion of the 1990s wasn’t all steriods. New park construction, investments in batters rather than pitchers, maybe even a livelier ball all worked to bring up home run totals. I really believe one big factor is that players figured out how to get stronger without help, or that teams are simply signing bigger, stronger hitters in general. These trends are seldom one thing.


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