Monday, March 19, 2018

Clock Change

The Pirates have not moved the start time of their spring training workouts to give players more rest. Some of the players on the team would like the extra bed time. One of the reasons given for the later start date is one that could be applied to starting spring training later in the year:

The move also reflects a reality about current players: They simply have less conditioning work to do at spring training than previous generations of ballplayers did, given the intense offseason regimens modern athletes undertake.

“In the ‘60s and ‘70s, they probably had longer days before games started because you had extra work at the end of the day,” general manager Neal Huntington said. “Guys used to have to condition themselves in spring training, so you needed longer days. Now, these guys come in in great shape, and you’re just getting them in baseball condition.”

We saw this with the late free agent signings. No one is talking about them needing extra weeks to get ready for the opening of the season.


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