Thursday, March 29, 2018

Pledge Drive Update

The Baseball Musings Pledge Drive raised $1150 after twenty eight days. Won’t you join the readers who donated? Another 35 readers donating $10 each will help reach the goal of $1500. That supports independent writing, and the Day by Day Database. Will you be one of them?

My thanks to Jack Spellman, who renewed his place of honor on the side bar. A donation of $50 of more earns you a post dedication with a hyper link, while a $500 donation earns you a place of honor for two seasons on the side bar. Any amount is appreciated.

It’s opening day, the perfect day for a pledge. Get your donation in now!

If you enjoy the series on lineup analysis, or use the Musings Marcels for your fantasy draft, won’t you hit the PayPal button? If you run a fantasy league, the USA Today reports replace the data you used to get in the Sports Weekly. Is that worth a few dollars?

Donations can be made via PayPal or Square Cash. Unfortunately, other donations providers have gone out of business or charge too much money in fees. If you refuse to use one of the above providers but still wish to donate, please contact me and I’ll provide an address for a check. My email is

Square Cash Link

In addition, I will accept BitCoin donations through this address:


Thank you for your support!


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