Thursday, March 1, 2018

Baseball Musings Pledge Drive

Baseball Musings came online in March, 2002, and in this anniversary month I’d like to thank the readers once again for making this site a labor of love. Your comments, jokes, and criticism help make this a fine forum for discussing our pastime. Baseball Musings remains one of the few independent voices from the early days of baseball blogging.

Since 2005, readers supported the site with donations during the March pledge drive. The main cost of running the site is the data for the Day by Day Database. A number of people indicated over the seasons that the DBD Database played a large role in daily fantasy game success. A number of professionals say they use it on a daily basis. I hope those of you who visit those numbers often will consider donating at least $10. The donation goal this year is $1500.

For those of you playing full season fantasy games, the Musings Marcels is a great resource for hitter projections. Once the season is underway, the Neural Network Beat the Streak picks will return as well.

Larger donations earn you a premium. For a donation of $50, you will be able to dedicate a post. The dedication should be in good taste and may contain a hyperlink. For a contribution of $500, you can join Jack Spellman as a Patron on the side bar for two years, including a hyperlink.

Donations can be made via PayPal or Square Cash. Unfortunately, other donations providers have gone out of business or charge too much money in fees. If you refuse to use one of the above providers but still wish to donate, please contact me and I’ll provide an address for a check. My email is

Square Cash Link

In addition, I will accept BitCoin donations through this address:


Note that if someone had donated a bit coin to the site a few years ago, the pledge drive could be retired for a few seasons. šŸ™‚

Thank you for your support!


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