Wednesday, March 14, 2018

He Said That As If it Were a Bad Thing

Matt Carpenter gets a bit hyperbolic talking about his low batting average in 2017:

He searched for reasons and, on Tuesday after his return to the lineup, he searched for a phrase to explain it. He had been, he decided, “selling my soul” for power.

Note that while his BA was 30 points lower than in 2016, his OBP was four points higher. It’s also true that he didn’t intentionally try for power, but was forced into the change:

While shoulder pain last year made it difficult to drive a pitch without pulling it, Carpenter supplemented his .241 average with 23 homers and a career-best 109 walks to get a .384 on-base percentage.

If you are forced to pull, you could do worse than trying to hit home runs.


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