Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Leave the Children Home

Adam LaRoche appears to be retiring over a White Sox rule that would limit the time LaRoche’s son could be in the club house:

“I asked Adam, said, ‘Listen, our focus, our interest, our desire this year is to make sure we give ourselves every opportunity to focus on a daily basis on getting better. All I’m asking you to do with regard to bringing your kid to the ballpark is dial it back.’

“I don’t think he should be here 100 percent of the time – and he has been here 100 percent, every day, in the clubhouse. I said that I don’t even think he should be here 50 percent of the time. Figure it out, somewhere in between.

“We all think his kid is a great young man. I just felt it should not be every day, that’s all. You tell me, where in this country can you bring your child to work every day?”

Thirteen million dollars is a lot of money to give up so your son can spend a lot of time with you.


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