Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Neither Ethier

Andre Either won’t be playing baseball for a while:

Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder Andre Ethier will be out 10 to 14 weeks after fracturing his right tibia.

Ethier, the projected starter in left field this year, was injured after fouling a ball off his shin Friday during a spring game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. X-rays that day revealed no broken bones, but the Dodgers said Tuesday that a follow-up CT scan showed the fracture.

Ethier is a two to three WAR player in a healthy season, so that a decent loss for the Dodgers. The Dodgers had a bit of a glut at the position, but some questionable talent. This hurts.

They could send him to a military hospital to speed his recovery. :-)

First Doctor Get on parade! Come on! We haven’t got all day, have we? Come on, come on, come on. (the patients painfully get themselves into line) Hurry up … right! Now, I know some hospitals where you get the patients lying around in bed. Sleeping, resting, recuperating, convalescing. Well, that’s not the way we do things here, right! No, you won’t be loafing about in bed wasting the doctors’ time. You – you horrible little cripple. What’s the matter with you?
Patient Fractured tibia, sergeant.
First Doctor ‘Fractured tibia, sergeant’? ‘Fractured tibia, sergeant’? Ooh. Proper little mummy’s boy, aren’t we? Well, I’ll tell you something, my fine friend, if you fracture a tibia here you keep quiet about it! Look at him! (looks more closely) He’s broken both his arms and he don’t go shouting about it, do he? No! ‘Cos he’s a man – he’s a woman, you see, so don’t come that broken tibia talk with me. Get on at the double. One, two, three, pick that crutch up, pick that crutch right up.

The patient hobbles off at the double and falls over.

from baseballmusings.com http://ift.tt/1RjjwQf

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