Jill Konrath has a fantastic post and video, Being Good At Sales Is A Choice. Be sure to read it, it’s a perfect complement to this post (Jill, thanks for letting me riff off your concept).
What is Good Selling?
Is it making your numbers? Absolutely, that’s your job. Making your numbers requires you to not only be good at selling, it requires good selling.
Good selling is really all about the customer. It makes sense, if there were no customers, how could we sell–good or bad?
Good selling puts the customer at the center of everything we do. It involves us finding the right customers and focusing on them, not wasting our time or the prospects’ time by calling on those outside our sweet spot.
It focuses on understanding the customer, their business, what they are trying to achieve, both organizationally and individually.
It helps the customer identify opportunities to improve, change, and grow.
Good selling is about establishing trust, credibility, and engagement. We know the easiest ways to do this is to focus on what they care about, to demonstrate our understanding of their business and how to improve it, to meet each and every commitment we make.
Good selling involves creating value in every interchange, helping the customer learn, helping them understand how to be successful in solving their problems. Helping them justify our solutions to management by demonstrating how we help them achieve our goals.
Good selling is about making our numbers–but realizing the only way we make our numbers is by helping the customer make their numbers.
We choose Good Selling in the way we engage and work with our customers every day.
We choose to be successful both through being Good At Selling and through Good Selling.
What choices are you making?
from Partners in EXCELLENCE Blog — Making A Difference http://ift.tt/1p7MDyh
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