Friday, March 4, 2016

Trolls, Trolls, Trolls

So Smogcon is over, what now? Step this way to find out...

I spent some time thinking about the upcoming Salute and Golden Demon competitions, but in the end I just fancied throwing some paint at some trolls! I kinda accidently signed up to a team tournament for the warmachine game in April, and.. my entire trolls army is un-painted.

So now we're on project Speed Paint Trolls!

The plan is to get all my models fully painted before 9 April, this seems like a pretty tall order since I'm a very slow painter, so to make it even harder I've entered a practise event on Easter weekend, so I'm going to try and be finished for that!

Here is the plan, I'm a spreadsheet addict, so I couldn't do without one..
The first column under the heading "Wk" is the week in which I was originally planning on getting stuff done, but then I got even ambitious and made an even crazier plan on the right! If you're not down with week numbers, this is being published in week 9, so already we're up against it!

To get this done, I'm going to need to paint in a seriously different style to normal, but I figure if I don't, I'll never paint this stuff. My test model for this army was painted in the summer of 2015 and looks like this:

 But now I'm going to have to cut some more corners, the plan is back to old school GW ways, lots of black wash and drybrushing, ideally some wet-in-wet blending too!

So first week in and I finished off the Fire Eaters which were already part painted:

I also painted a chronicler as a test of these techniques, he was painted from undercoated very rapidly for me, only 90 mins or so..

 He's far from perfect, but that's not the idea.

The next week contains a  nice mix of a larger troll with small and large infantry models, undercoated and ready to go!

Well I wonder if I'm going to manage this, I feel it's been a strong start, but it's a hectic pace to try and keep up for a month or so! Should make for a good palette cleaner after spending a long time on the pig though, then I'll think about Golden Demon possibilities!

PS: For good photos of all the Smogcon Painting Entries see here.

from Noobs and their paintbrush

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