Monday, March 7, 2016

Wrong Side of the Ball

Cole Figueroa is trying to win a major league job with the Pirates, but he may be better off in the analytics department:

Cole Figueroa has been a numbers guy for as long as he can remember. If baseball hadn’t gotten in the way, he would’ve studied engineering rather than sports business at the University of Florida. He enjoys writing code with R and Python, computer programming languages.

Seems like someone who might know every digit of pi, right?

“Well, haven’t tried this in a while,” Figueroa said Sunday, then tried anyway. “It goes something like this … 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510.

“That’s the first 50.”

I’m guessing someone like Figueroa, with a lot of experience in professional baseball, would be extremely useful in an analytics department. I suspect he could help in two ways:

  1. Using his experience to propose new ways of trying to explore a problem, or to provide better interpretations of new data.
  2. He would be a great liaison between the department and the players.

I can imagine him speaking to a scout, getting the kernel of an idea, then writing the code to test the hypothesis.


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