Sunday, September 24, 2017

Massive Tie Scenario

The Rockies reduced their magic number against both the Brewers and the Cardinals on Sunday as the two trailing teams lost and the Rockies won. That makes the chances of a three-way tie between the teams more remote. The most likely outcome has the Rockies winning two more games for a total of 86. The overall probability of this three-way tie occurring is 0.020, down a bit from Sunday morning. Here is the 86 win scenario:

Team Won-lost
Rockies 2-4
Brewers 4-2
Cardinals 5-2

Milwaukee finishes the season with three games against St. Louis, so they would need to be separated by a odd number of games going into that series for a tie to be possible. The above calculation ignores that.

For Monday, the best outcomes would be:

  • The Cardinals defeat the Cubs.
  • The Rockies fall to the Marlins.

The Cardinals need to sweep the four game series against the Cubs to have a shot at a division title.


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