Saturday, July 21, 2018

Fast Change

Robbie Grossman talks about how baseball changed in the five years since he broke into the major leagues:

“But it’s hard to believe they had teams rolling out guys every night that you’ve never heard of, throwing 98, 99. And this spin-rate [emphasis], it’s a real thing,” Grossman said. “It’s crazy now that guys don’t pitch to contact anymore. They just try to strike you out. They say, ‘I’m going to hit this spot that you’re not good at hitting, up in the zone with high velo, and if I miss there four times, I’m going to walk you.’ They don’t care. That’s where the game is at.”

It’s not a complaint, Grossman said, just reality that he has to cope with.

“To me, that’s the fun part,” he said, “figuring out the chess match and trying to beat what they’re trying to do.”

Seems the Feiler Faster Thesis works for baseball as well as politics.


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