Monday, July 30, 2018

Just Say No

The Mariners want taxpayers to fund renovations to SafeCo Field if they sign a 25-year-lease to play in the stadium:

But critics have argued that the tax doesn’t require the county to allocate all funds towards tourism and promotion. They could, instead, put that money towards affordable housing.

“The Mariners are a billion dollar for-profit business that has generated enormous wealth for a small group of private owners,” Councilmember Dave Upthegrove, said in a statement. “This business can and should continue to pay for upkeep of the baseball stadium. This business is the sole tenant of the facility — which was already built for them largely with taxpayer funds.

“State law is absolutely clear that these funds can be spent on affordable housing, services for homeless youth, and actual tourism promotion that generates a greater economic benefit throughout King County.”

I suspect doing away with the hotel tax would do more to promote tourism than spending money to promote tourism. Just eliminate the tax, and let the Mariners figure out where else to play.

If the public funding is rejected, they won’t the Mariners won’t just leave overnight. Were the county to reject the funding plan, the team would sign a short-term lease extension of up to five years (instead of the 25-year lease extension) to ensure the team continues to play at Safeco while they figure out a different long-term lease solution.

Or if the city were smart, they would throw them out as tenants until they agree to something more lucrative for Seattle. Just say no to more public funding.


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