Monday, July 23, 2018

Weekly Look at Offense

The week of the All-Star break is usually a down one for offense, but not this season as the majors averaged 10.09 runs per game, the highest scoring week of the season. Teams did not come out of the break using their front-line starters, and it shows.

Through 16 weeks, however, the 2017 season remains nearly half a run ahead of 2018. This year, games average 8.88 runs per game versus 9.34 runs per game through 16 weeks in 2017. Home runs remain down 0.25 per game, 2.27 this season, 2.52 at this time last year. All hits are down about 0.6 per game as strikeouts are up 0.5 per game. Walks remain even, with a slightly higher per-game rate this season.


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