Thursday, June 22, 2017

Puig Remains Annoying

Yaiel Puig hurt the feelings of Wilmer Flores Wednesday night:

Puig posed at home plate and watched his fourth-inning drive off rookie Tyler Pill, irritating Mets first baseman Wilmer Flores, who apparently said something to Puig as the Cuban slugger rounded the bag.

Puig looked back at Flores as he was trotting toward second and cursed at him, Flores said.

“I don’t think he knows what having respect for the game is,” Flores said. “We’re playing horrible right now. We don’t need his [behavior]. He disrespected us.”

The Mets are 8-13 during their current slump, hitting .247/.322/.456 while their opponents rake at a .286/.352/.503 clip. So maybe Flores is right, Puig should be nicer to the needy.

Or, maybe someone should go up to Flores and say, “WILLLLLLLLMER! There is no crying baseball.”

The Dodgers beat the Mets 8-2.


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