Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Rizzo Cuts the Hedges

Anthony Rizzo generated some controversy with his takeout slide into Austin Hedges in the Padres-Cubs game Monday night.

Here is the view from the Padres:

“It’s a fairly egregious violation of the rule,” Padres manager Andy Green told Padres.com. “The rule exists to protect that catcher …. I think it’s a cheap shot. I’m not saying [Rizzo] is a dirty player at all. No one is saying that. But he clearly deviated from his path to hit our catcher and took our catcher out. The rule exists to protect him.”

And Rizzo on the slide:

“I went pretty much straight in,” Rizzo said. “He caught the ball and went toward the plate. It was a hard slide. I play this game hard for 162 games-plus, every day. I pride myself on it, running the bases hard, doing everything hard. I can’t see that being dirty …. I’ve talked to a lot of umpires about this rule. My understanding is if [the catcher has] the ball, it’s game on.”

I thought it was a late slide, but Rizzo didn’t seem to alter his path much. I’m sure Joe Torre will weigh in on this.

The Cubs won 3-2.

from baseballmusings.com http://ift.tt/2sOAjt1

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