Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Compact Power

The AP notes the number of power hitters in the All-Star came who are relatively small. They kind of lump Alex Bregman in the group, although he’s the same height and weight as Hank Aaron.

The most interesting part of the article, however, is toward the end where Justin Verlander blames the ball for home runs, while Matt Kemp blames the pitchers:

”Honestly, I feel like everybody is throwing harder. You don’t have to hit the ball as hard anymore,” Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp said. ”Honestly, all you have to do is square it up and the ball is going to fly if they mess up. These guys are throwing really hard. Strikeouts are up. Home runs are up. Everything is up. It’s just a game of who throws harder and who can square it up.”

Maybe the next inefficiency to exploit is the Tommy John type pitcher.

from baseballmusings.com https://ift.tt/2mp11n5

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