Monday, August 20, 2018

Weekly Look at Offense

Through 20 weeks in both seasons, offense in 2018 continues to trail offense in 2017. This season produced 8.92 runs per game, 2017 at the same point was at 9.34 runs per game. Walks have come down a bit. While the two seasons are very even in that category through 20 weeks, 2018 is now about 0.02 walks per game behind 2017. The 2018 season also leads in strikeouts, but there is good news here. The strikeout rate fell to around 16.1 per game, compared to the season average of about 16.6. So far in August, there have been many more hits that strikeouts, and without a loss in home run power.

You can follow the weekly flow of runs here.


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