Sunday, August 27, 2017

Beane at 20

Susan Slusser interviews Billy Beane and other executives as Beane finishes his 20th season at the helm of the Athletics:

Beane downplays any talk about personal accomplishments. Fiercely loyal to the rest of the A’s organization, he considers all successes shared, and he knows the checklist is minus a title.

“The desire for a championship is less for myself than it is for the people who work here and the people in the community,” Beane said. “I’ve never set out for my own personal legacy. I always sort of chuckle over that idea — the only legacy I have any concern about is my children.”

Former A’s Assistant General Manager Farhan Zaidi, now the GM of the Dodgers, flipped around Beane’s sentiments, saying, “People like me who worked for him — we want it more for him than he wants it for himself.”

There’s quite a bit on Beane’s trading philosophy and some of his mistakes. Well worth the read.


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