Monday, April 23, 2018

Different Treatment

Rick Morrissey in the Chicago Sun-Times wonders why the catcher who called out Jake Arrieta was traded, but the one who called out Yu Darvish was praised:

And then there’s this: Who is Contreras, in his second full season as a big-league starter, to point out publicly what Darvish is doing wrong? Who is he to tell Darvish publicly how things work in the big leagues? I see Darvish’s four All-Star selections; I don’t see any for Contreras. And why give opponents any ammunition about what ails Darvish?

Fans and media types immediately lauded Contreras for calling out Darvish.

He was asserting himself as a team leader! they raved.

He was lighting a fire under his pitcher! they gushed.

He said what needed to be said! they crowed.

You know, sort of like Miguel Montero did with Arrieta last season, right before the Cubs traded him for being too outspoken.

Montero didn’t like that the Nationals had stolen seven bases in a game, and he let reporters know afterward that Arrieta’s slow delivery was the cause.

‘‘It really sucked because the stolen bases go to me, and when you really look at it, the pitcher doesn’t give me any time,’’ he said. ‘‘Simple as that.’’

The Cubs traded him to the Blue Jays soon after because, they said, they were trying to improve the clubhouse culture. In other words, Montero was selfish. Perhaps, but he was also correct in his assessment of Arrieta’s slow delivery, which the pitcher later acknowledged.

It’s a good question. I assume it was that Arrieta had already become a Cubs hero, and Darvish has yet to reach that level.


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