Monday, May 22, 2017

Weekly Look at Offense

The 2017 continues to surge ahead of 2016 as games averaged 10.08 runs in the past week. Through the same number of weeks in 2016, the 2017 season leads 9.16 R/G to 8.57 R/G. Nine runs per game historically is the sweet spot for the sport. There is enough offense to keep the fans interested, but good pitching still shines.

Again, all through the same number of weeks, home runs are up 0.3 per game, 2.4 per game this season versus 2.1 last year. Walks are way up, 6.8 per game this season versus 6.4 last season, and strikeouts are up the same amount, 16.4 per game versus 16.0 per game. Batters getting on base 0.5 times per game is all due to the walks and home runs. Other hits are down 0.2 per game, as you might expect as strikeouts rise.

While nine runs per game is a sweet spot, the sport needs to be concerned about the walks and strikeouts. In the 1950s, walks and home runs became the offense, and the game got boring. With luck, MLB will avoid that fate, but right now, the game is moving in that direction.


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