Monday, May 29, 2017

Weekly Look at Offense

The gap between the 2016 and 2017 seasons narrowed, as week eight came in as the lowest scoring week of the season so far, 8.25 runs per game. Comparing the two years after eight weeks, 2017 produced 9.04 runs per game, 2016 produced 8.67 runs per game. The game at the MLB level keeps moving more toward a batter-pitcher battle, as home runs, walks, and strikeouts are all up, while other hits are down. (All comparisons are after eight weeks.) Home runs are up 0.26 per game. Singles, doubles, and triples are down 0.32 per game. So batters appear to be doing a good job of replacing one group of hits with another. Since the home run is a more valuable hit, and because batters walk more, on whole the move is positive for runs.

Of course, this, taken to an extreme, will lead to a more boring game. We want to see the skill of fielders. We want to see games turn on bad hops or great base running. The question is, how to force more contact? Right now, strikeouts are profitable for both batters and pitchers. How do we make contact profitable for both?


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