Friday, May 11, 2018

Crusty Pedro

It really didn’t take long for Pedro Martinez to slip into the “ballplayers were better in my day mode.”

Thanks to OldHossRadbourn who notes:

At least Pedro didn’t talk about fundamentals. What’s always true is the best pitchers of today are better than the best pitchers of 20 years ago. Humans are always building on the work of those that came before, and mostly improving it. New technology, better training techniques, better nutrition all lead to stronger, bigger, better players. The best batter ever, the best pitcher ever, and the best fielder ever are all playing right now, we just don’t quite know who they are yet.

I would also remind Pedro the point of the game is to win, not to avoid shame. There is too much individual daily failure in baseball for players to care about that. (With the possible exception issuing a walk-off walk.)


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