Sunday, June 17, 2018

A Team of MVPs

The Astros won their tenth game in a row on Saturday. It’s been an offensive streak for the Astros, as the batters are hitting a combined .319/.384/.569. In many seasons, that would win an individual an MVP award. They are even better with men in scoring position, .398/.447/.735, as once the runs start scoring they don’t stop. The worst regular on the team in this stretch is Josh Reddick, with a .300/.344/.300 slash line. It’s an impressive offensive performance.

This comes at a time when their vaunted starting pitching is slumping a bit. The rotation posted a 3.88 ERA during this time, pitching well, but not lights out. Then again, with big leads, they don’t need to pitch that carefully. Before the streak, the rotation ERA stood at 2.80, with a much better walk rate.

The Astros are showing the signs of a great team, being able to win games in different ways.


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