Monday, June 18, 2018

Weekly Look at Offense

The gap widened between 2018 and 2017 this week, as full week 11 saw 8.47 runs per game scored, bringing the season average to 8.72 runs per game. That’s compared to 9.32 runs per game through 11 full weeks in 2017. Lack of offense is due to hits being down, so much that 0.6 fewer batters are reaching base in 2018 compared to the same period in 2017. Part of hits being down are strikes going up 0.6 per game.

Note on this spreadsheet that scoring by week in 2018 is very much like scoring by week in 2015. That was looking to be a down year until the drag on the ball changed halfway through the season. Maybe the ball with less drag wasn’t such a bad thing.


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